Welcome to pltfrmize

Why pltfrmize?

Why are we even here?

Why have we created a resource center dedicated to multisided digital platforms?

Because multisided platforms are everywhere around us; making our lives easier, transforming economies but also shaking up certainties in certain economic sectors and confuse regulators in places. And they are here to stay
Because multisided platforms business model can earn inclusive economic development in many economic sectors and makes things much more efficient for producers and consumers
Because even if the platforms make things very easy for users, the design, the infrastructure and the operations are actually complex and counterintuitive. So it is necessary to unpack these complexities and make the platform business model digest for startups, companies and governments
Platforms' value is created by community for community; companies facilitate this value creation. Therefore the model can bring jobs and opportunities to underserved areas and communities
Platforms allow efficient usage of idle or spare capacity in many domains. They can contribute to reduce waste and serve better the planet